Monday, February 16, 2009

grand drive

ok! i wish i had a really clever intro to write here, but since nobody has come to expect cleverness or originality from me, i don't really want to go against the overwhelming mediocrity that HWC has become synonymous with.

below is the first episode of the HWC podcast. hopefully the first of many, with them becoming more and more frequent as the weeks go on. i would like to eventually include some interviews, more guests, etc. i hope you like it, but if not, i won't be surprised.

this episode is all grassroots and shit, featuring only myself and co-host Aaron, and of course, Sweet Tits in what will be an unfortunate and debilitating recurring role.

the embedded player kept effing up, so you get a link. be forewarned that the podcast will start immediately, so you may not want to have your speakers up to full volume or anything.

god rest your soul.

Podcast Update:

Hot Water Cornbread Podcast

currently on the white board behind the bar: Mad Cow Disease was already taken.

i'm on it.



  1. That was much better than I was expecting.

  2. we at HWC look forward to your continued low expectations.

  3. You need to start giving Sweet Tits her own guest column/sidebar rant a la The Sports Gal.

    On second thought, nevermind.
